W Connection was created by widows, for widows. We know first-hand that in addition to all our grief and pain, finding new strategies, support, and understanding is indispensable as we strive to re-imagine and re-build our lives.    

Our programs are created understanding that there is no timeline for a widow, but there is a journey for our members. We created programs for insight, support and connection –to support these needs.  You choose  program(s) that resonate for you based on where you are on your journey.

Peer-Led Support TOPIC Meetings

W Chat

Wellness Webinars & Workshops

W Clubs (In-Person & Virtual)


Peer-Led Support TOPIC Meetings

MEMBERS: REGISTER here for topic meetings

Not a W Connection member, but want to join us for this meaningful discussion?


Our Peer-Led Support TOPIC Meetings are geared towards newer widows who are feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of their loss. 

These meetings are facilitated by trained peer volunteers in a safe and confidential environment and are meant to help us find new tools and strategies for confronting the challenges of widowhood –including Leveraging Your Character Strengths, Building Your Resilience, Overcoming Loneliness, Processing Grief, Anger, Guilt. Post Traumatic Growth, Rediscovering Our Identities. We offer the same topic discussion at least 5 times each month with a rotating group of peer-co-hosts.  

One meeting each month is specifically geared to Young Widows. 

In this month’s topic meetings, we explore “The Concept of Letting Go.”

As we contemplate all the ways our lives have changed and will continue to change, letting go of the future we thought we had is painful and scary.  

In our Peer-Led Support Topic Meetings this month, we will define exactly what letting go means–and doesn’t mean— as we navigate this very familiar stumbling block we all have met.  

At the W Connection, we believe that “letting go” is a foundational component for moving forward and rebuilding our lives.

First  Monday  of   Month

Second Tuesday of Month

First Tuesday of Month

Third Wednesday of Month

Fourth Thursday of Month

Wellness Webinars & Workshops

Our Wellness Webinars and Workshops focus on the health and wellness needs of our membership. The Webinars are led by experts in their fields. The Workshops showcase the healing strategies practiced and demonstrated by our own members.  Past subjects have included Your Brain on Grief, Mindfulness, Yoga & Strength, Physical Health & the Widow, and Financial Strategies for Widows.

The W Connection’s Webinar Committee is excited to welcome W Connection GEM’s Aliza Marlin and MaryBeth Madonia as they lead us in a yoga workshop, combining movement with breath. 

Aliza will lead us through a physical yoga practice that is accessible to all levels–from absolute beginners to the more advanced yogi.   Our time together will include seated and standing poses as well as twists and heart-openers to prepare ourselves to sit calmly in meditation. 

MaryBeth will lead us through a Loving Kindness Meditation based on the work of Jack Kornfield in “A Path With Heart”.

Join us as we all experience what  Aliza and MaryBeth have found to share with us.  “There is a sense of security and purpose on the mat that brings peace and healing to our lives.”

Join Today and Attend these amazing workshops and more for FREE.

MEMBERS: REGISTER Here for webinar

Not a W Connection member, but want to attend this webinar?


W Chat


Not a W Connection member, but want to chat with girlfriends who get it?


Our W Chats are geared towards widows who are further along their journeys.  They are proud that they are moving forward and ready to reinvent and reimagine their futures.  This month we continue on this track of New Possibilities during our W Chat summer meetings–with particular attention to expanding our social circles and activities.  (Here at the W Connection, we have truly learned first-hand about the healing power of social connection).

May is a great time to start some summer social planning–enjoyable gatherings we might not have been able to contemplate last summer.  Bring your ideas about doing some summer socializing –whether it’s bringing these festivities back into your home, organizing a summer picnic…and more. 

We hope you join us to share ideas, support, and some inspiration for creating some valuable social gatherings this summer.

W Chat occurs the third Tuesday of every month at 8:00 PM ET / 5:00pm PM PT.

W Book Club


Our W Book Club GEM volunteers have picked a fascinating early summer read.

The Widow Clicquot: The Story of a Champagne Empire and the Woman Who Ruled It

Have you ever tasted the very old and very famous champagne Veuve Clicquot? Did you know that “Veuve” in French means widow?  

The Widow Clicquot is the captivating true story of a woman legend and visionary, Barbe-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin. After her young husband dies, she defies convention (it’s the early 1800’s in France) and assumes the reigns of the fledgling wine business that they had nurtured together. She becomes one of the world’s first great businesswomen and one of the richest women of her time

Sunday, June 2, 8:00pm ET / 5:00pm PT 


Not a W Connection member, but want to attend the Book Club with us?


Join the W Connection




Why you should join us:

Widowhood is a journey that you do not need to do alone. Every member of the W Connection has lost their life-partner and knows how difficult this journey is.  

You will become part of a community of extraordinary, courageous women of all ages, all backgrounds, and all walks of life, who are navigating widowhood uniquely, but together. 

If you are not a member,

We are sorry for your loss, but glad you found us.

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